Embracing Confidence: The Popularity of Tru-Tain Aligners Among Adults


In the realm of orthodontic solutions, Tru-Tain Aligners have emerged as a popular choice, particularly among adults seeking a discreet and effective method to transform their smiles. In this blog post, we explore the reasons behind the growing popularity of Tru-Tain Aligners among the adult demographic.

1. Discreet Orthodontics for the Modern Adult: A Paradigm Shift

Uncover the changing attitudes towards orthodontic treatment among adults. Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners offer a discreet and nearly invisible alternative to traditional braces, aligning seamlessly with the lifestyle of the modern adult.

2. Comfort Beyond Compare: A Priority for Adult Orthodontic Care

Delve into the comfort features that make Tru-Tain Aligners a sought-after choice for adults. Explore how the absence of wires and brackets provides a comfortable orthodontic experience that aligns with the preferences of the adult demographic.

3. Flexible Lifestyle Integration: Aligners Tailored for Busy Lives

Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners cater to the demands of adult life. Learn about the flexibility these aligners offer, allowing for easy removal during meals and activities, ensuring minimal disruption to the busy schedules of adults.

4. No Age Limit on Transformation: Tailored Solutions for Every Adult

Challenge the misconception that orthodontic transformation is reserved for younger individuals. Discover how Tru-Tain Aligners are designed to address a spectrum of orthodontic concerns, providing tailored solutions for adults of all ages.

5. Aesthetic Appeal: Aligning Smiles Without Compromising Appearance

Embrace the aesthetic advantages of Tru-Tain Aligners. Explore how the near-invisibility of these aligners allows adults to undergo orthodontic treatment without feeling self-conscious about their appearance.

6. Reduced Maintenance Visits: Convenience for Busy Schedules

Delve into the convenience of reduced maintenance visits with Tru-Tain Aligners. Understand how fewer in-person appointments contribute to the popularity of this orthodontic solution among adults with hectic lifestyles.

7. Effective Results with Efficiency: Aligners That Deliver

Explore the effectiveness of Tru-Tain Aligners in delivering tangible results efficiently. Witness how the advanced technology behind these aligners contributes to a streamlined orthodontic journey for adults seeking a radiant smile.

8. Financial Considerations: Cost-Effective and Comprehensive Solutions

Address the financial aspects of choosing Tru-Tain Aligners. Uncover the cost-effectiveness of this orthodontic solution and understand how it provides comprehensive care without breaking the bank.


Tru-Tain Aligners have become the preferred choice for adults seeking a transformative and discreet orthodontic solution. Join the ranks of confident adults who have embraced the convenience, comfort, and effectiveness of Tru-Tain Aligners on their journey to a radiant smile.

The Art of Transformation: Captivating Smile Journeys Before and After Tru-Tain Aligners


Embark on an inspiring voyage into the world of smile transformations. In this blog post, we unveil the captivating stories of individuals who have experienced the remarkable journey from “before” to “after” with Tru-Tain Aligners, showcasing the power of a confident and radiant smile.

1. The Power of Visual Narratives: Real-Life Smile Transformations

Explore the impact of visual narratives in showcasing the transformative power of Tru-Tain Aligners. Witness the genuine and stunning smile journeys that speak louder than words.

2. Before the Journey: Candid Captures of Unique Smiles

Immerse yourself in the “before” snapshots of individuals who chose Tru-Tain Aligners. Understand the diversity of orthodontic challenges and the unique starting points that set the stage for their smile transformations.

3. The Tru-Tain Difference: A Journey Unfolding

Dive into the process of transformation with Tru-Tain. Understand how the unique features of our aligners work progressively to address orthodontic concerns, paving the way for a confident and aesthetically pleasing smile.

4. During the Journey: Candid Moments of Progress

Experience the in-between moments of progress. Witness the evolving smiles as individuals move through their Tru-Tain Aligner treatment, highlighting the gradual shifts that lead to the ultimate “after” transformations.

5. After the Journey: The Radiance of Confidence

Celebrate the final reveal of radiant smiles. Explore the “after” captures that showcase the newfound confidence, beauty, and positivity that emerge after completing the Tru-Tain Aligner journey.

6. Embracing Individuality: Diverse Smile Transformations

Emphasize the diversity in smile transformations. Highlight how Tru-Tain Aligners cater to a range of orthodontic concerns, embracing the uniqueness of each individual’s smile.

7. Beyond Aesthetics: The Emotional Impact

Delve into the emotional impact of smile transformations. Hear from individuals about how their confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being have been positively influenced by the Tru-Tain Aligner experience.

8. Inspiring Others: Sharing the Smile Stories

Explore how sharing these transformative stories inspires others considering orthodontic treatment. Understand the ripple effect of confidence and positivity that extends beyond individual smiles.


Smile transformations with Tru-Tain Aligners go beyond the physical changes; they embody confidence, self-love, and individual empowerment. Join us in celebrating these captivating stories, and discover the art of transformation that awaits you on your journey to a radiant smile.

A Bright Smile Starts Here: Mastering Oral Hygiene with Tru-Tain Aligners


Welcome to a journey where maintaining optimal oral hygiene aligns seamlessly with your pursuit of a perfect smile. In this blog post, we delve into the essential tips and practices for preserving your oral health while using Tru-Tain Aligners, ensuring a radiant and confident smile throughout your orthodontic journey.

1. The Foundation: Why Oral Hygiene Matters During Orthodontic Treatment

Understand the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene, especially during orthodontic treatment. Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners align with your commitment to a healthy and beautiful smile.

2. Aligners and Oral Health: A Synergistic Approach

Dive into the design features of Tru-Tain Aligners that promote oral health. Learn how these aligners allow for easy removal, facilitating thorough cleaning and preventing potential dental issues.

3. Daily Oral Hygiene Routine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Follow a comprehensive guide on maintaining oral hygiene with Tru-Tain Aligners. From brushing to flossing and cleaning your aligners, discover the daily routine that ensures your smile remains healthy and vibrant.

4. Choosing the Right Cleaning Products: Aligners and Tooth Care

Uncover the recommended cleaning products for both your teeth and Tru-Tain Aligners. Explore how choosing the right products contributes to effective oral hygiene without compromising the integrity of your aligners.

5. Hydration and Oral Health: Staying Hydrated with Aligners

Explore the connection between hydration and oral health during orthodontic treatment. Learn how staying hydrated not only benefits your overall health but also contributes to the comfort of wearing Tru-Tain Aligners.

6. Addressing Bad Breath Concerns: Tips for Freshness

Address common concerns about bad breath during aligner use. Discover practical tips to maintain freshness and oral confidence throughout your Tru-Tain journey.

7. Handling Aligner Discomfort: Navigating Sensitivity

Delve into tips for managing any discomfort related to aligners. Learn how to address sensitivity and ensure a smooth, irritation-free experience while maintaining your oral hygiene routine.

8. Regular Dental Check-Ups: A Crucial Component

Emphasize the importance of regular dental check-ups during orthodontic treatment. Understand how these visits contribute to both your overall oral health and the success of your Tru-Tain Aligner journey.


Maintaining optimal oral hygiene with Tru-Tain Aligners is not just a necessity; it’s an integral part of your journey to a radiant smile. Follow these guidelines, embrace the synergy of aligners and oral health, and let the brilliance of your healthy, aligned smile shine through.

Aligning Facts: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Orthodontic Aligners with Tru-Tain


Embarking on the journey to a straighter smile with orthodontic aligners can be transformative, but misconceptions often cloud the decision-making process. In this blog post, we debunk common myths and provide clarity on the realities of orthodontic aligners, focusing on the innovative solutions offered by Tru-Tain.

1. Myth: Aligners Are Only for Minor Corrections

Reality: Tru-Tain Aligners address a spectrum of orthodontic issues, from minor misalignments to more complex cases. Explore how our advanced technology allows for personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique dental needs.

2. Myth: Orthodontic Aligners Are Uncomfortable

Reality: Uncover the comfort that comes with Tru-Tain Aligners. Dive into the innovative materials and design that prioritize wearer comfort, debunking the misconception that orthodontic treatment has to be uncomfortable.

3. Myth: Aligners Are Noticeable and Impact Aesthetics

Reality: Say goodbye to the stigma of visible braces. Tru-Tain Aligners offer a discreet solution, allowing you to undergo orthodontic treatment without compromising your appearance or confidence.

4. Myth: Aligners Can’t Address Bite Issues

Reality: Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners are not limited to straightening teeth but can also address bite issues. Unravel the science behind bite correction and understand how Tru-Tain aligners contribute to comprehensive orthodontic care.

5. Myth: Orthodontic Aligners Are Only for Younger Individuals

Reality: Orthodontic transformation is not age-dependent. Discover why Tru-Tain Aligners are a popular choice for adults, offering a discreet and effective solution for individuals of all ages.

6. Myth: Aligners Require Significant Lifestyle Changes

Reality: Explore the flexibility that comes with Tru-Tain Aligners. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners allow for easy removal, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily life and dietary choices.

7. Myth: Aligners Are More Expensive Than Traditional Braces

Reality: Delve into the financial aspect of orthodontic treatment. Discover how Tru-Tain Aligners offer a competitive and often comparable cost, with additional benefits such as reduced maintenance visits and increased comfort.

8. Myth: DIY Aligners Are a Viable Option

Reality: Address the risks associated with DIY aligners. Uncover why professional guidance and the expertise of orthodontic professionals, as provided by Tru-Tain, are crucial for a safe and effective smile transformation.


Dispelling these common misconceptions about orthodontic aligners allows you to make an informed decision about your smile transformation. Tru-Tain Aligners offer a solution that combines innovation, comfort, and effectiveness, breaking through the myths that might have held you back.

Seamless Smiles: Navigating the Step-by-Step Process of Getting Tru-Tain Aligners


Embark on a journey toward a confident and radiant smile with Tru-Tain Aligners. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process, unveiling the simplicity and effectiveness of obtaining Tru-Tain Aligners for your orthodontic transformation.

1. Initial Consultation: Your Smile’s Starting Point

Your journey begins with a personalized consultation. Discover how our orthodontic experts assess your dental needs, discuss treatment goals, and determine if Tru-Tain Aligners are the ideal solution for you.

2. Digital Impressions: Precision in Every Detail

Bid farewell to messy molds. Explore the advanced technology of digital impressions, ensuring precise measurements for the creation of your custom Tru-Tain Aligners.

3. Treatment Planning: Crafting Your Smile Blueprint

Delve into the intricacies of treatment planning. Learn how our orthodontic specialists use advanced software to create a personalized blueprint, outlining the step-by-step transformation of your smile.

4. Aligner Fabrication: Tailored to Perfection

Uncover the manufacturing process that brings your aligners to life. Explore how each set is meticulously crafted to fit your unique dental structure, ensuring optimal comfort and effectiveness throughout your treatment.

5. Aligner Fittings: Personalized Comfort

Witness the fitting process that ensures your Tru-Tain Aligners sit comfortably in your mouth. Learn about any necessary adjustments and how our specialists ensure that your aligners align seamlessly with your teeth.

6. Wearing Your Aligners: A Lifestyle Adjustment

Transition into wearing your Tru-Tain Aligners with ease. Explore the guidelines for daily wear, the importance of compliance, and how these aligners seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle.

7. Scheduled Check-Ins: Monitoring Your Progress

Stay connected with our orthodontic team throughout your journey. Discover the importance of scheduled check-ins to monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure your smile is on track.

8. Completing Your Treatment: Unveiling the New You

Anticipate the exciting reveal of your transformed smile. Explore the final steps of your Tru-Tain journey, including potential refinements and the transition to retainers to maintain your stunning results.


The process of getting Tru-Tain Aligners is a carefully curated journey designed to make orthodontic transformation seamless and effective. Join the countless individuals who have embraced the simplicity and confidence that comes with Tru-Tain, and let your radiant smile journey begin.

Ready to start your Tru-Tain journey? Schedule your consultation today with an AAO certified orthodontist and take the first step toward a step-by-step transformation to a more confident and radiant smile. Your personalized smile blueprint awaits.

Beyond Wires and Brackets: Unveiling the Tru-Tain Advantage in Orthodontic Care


Welcome to a transformative exploration of orthodontic choices. In this blog post, we’ll unravel the differences between Tru-Tain Aligners and traditional braces, shedding light on why more individuals are choosing the comfort, aesthetics, and effectiveness of Tru-Tain.

1. Aesthetic Appeal: Tru-Tain’s Invisible Advantage

Traditional braces often come with noticeable wires and brackets. Discover how Tru-Tain Aligners offer a nearly invisible solution, allowing you to straighten your teeth discreetly and confidently.

2. Comfort Redefined: Farewell to Metal Discomfort

Bid farewell to the discomfort associated with metal braces. Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners provide a comfortable alternative, without the irritation caused by wires and brackets.

3. Dietary Freedom: No More Food Restrictions

Traditional braces often require dietary restrictions to prevent damage. Learn how Tru-Tain Aligners empower you with dietary freedom, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without compromising your orthodontic treatment.

4. Oral Hygiene Simplified: Easy Maintenance with Tru-Tain

Traditional braces can make oral hygiene challenging. Discover how Tru-Tain Aligners simplify maintenance, allowing for easy removal and ensuring a thorough oral care routine.

5. Efficiency and Treatment Duration: Accelerating Your Smile Journey

Dive into the efficiency of Tru-Tain Aligners compared to traditional braces. Explore how the advanced technology in Tru-Tain aligners often results in a more streamlined treatment process and potentially shorter overall duration.

6. Flexibility in Daily Life: Aligning with Your Lifestyle

Traditional braces can impact daily activities. Learn how Tru-Tain Aligners provide the flexibility to remove them as needed, accommodating your lifestyle without compromising treatment effectiveness.

7. Adjustments and Appointments: Minimizing Disruptions

Traditional braces often require frequent adjustments and appointments. Explore how Tru-Tain Aligners reduce the need for constant in-person adjustments, minimizing disruptions to your busy schedule.

8. Cost Considerations: A Comprehensive Comparison

Delve into the cost factors associated with both Tru-Tain Aligners and traditional braces. Understand the financial aspects and potential long-term savings that come with choosing Tru-Tain.


Choosing between Tru-Tain Aligners and traditional braces is more than a decision about straightening teeth; it’s a choice that impacts comfort, aesthetics, and your overall lifestyle. Discover the advantages that set Tru-Tain apart and make an informed decision for a confident and comfortable smile transformation.

Pioneering the Future of Aligner Materials

Introducing Tru-Tain DX: Pioneering the Future of Aligner Materials

In the ever-evolving field of orthodontics, advancements in technology continue to revolutionize the way we approach teeth straightening. Among the remarkable innovations, Tru-Tain DX stands tall as the ultimate aligner material, meticulously crafted with precision and innovation. Boasting unparalleled characteristics, this groundbreaking material is set to redefine the orthodontic experience, bringing smiles to perfection like never before.

The Quest for Perfection: Unraveling Tru-Tain DX

At the core of Tru-Tain DX lies its exceptional composition. Made from Polycyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate Glycol-modified (PCTG), a state-of-the-art polymer, it embodies the culmination of meticulous research and technological advancements. PCTG brings together the best of both worlds – the strength and durability of traditional materials with the modern marvel of glycol modification. This fusion results in a material that surpasses the limitations of conventional aligners.

Clarity Beyond Compare

One of the standout features of Tru-Tain DX is its unmatched clarity. Traditional aligner materials often suffer from discoloration and cloudiness, diminishing their aesthetic appeal. Tru-Tain DX, however, maintains its pristine clarity throughout the entire treatment period, providing patients with confidence in their smiles. The crystal-clear appearance ensures that wearers can confidently navigate their social and professional lives without any self-consciousness about their orthodontic appliances.

Flexibility with No Compromise

Another remarkable aspect of Tru-Tain DX is its flexibility. The material’s superior elasticity ensures a gentle and comfortable fit over the teeth, making it a perfect choice for patients seeking a seamless orthodontic journey. Tru-Tain DX aligners gently adapt to the contours of each individual’s teeth, reducing discomfort and avoiding unnecessary irritation.

Stain Resistance for Long-lasting Brilliance

While undergoing orthodontic treatment, patients often face challenges in maintaining the cleanliness and brilliance of their aligners. Tru-Tain DX tackles this concern head-on with its exceptional stain resistance. Thanks to its advanced formulation, the material repels common stains caused by daily activities such as drinking coffee, tea, or other pigmented beverages. As a result, Tru-Tain DX aligners remain transparent and unblemished, contributing to the overall effectiveness and aesthetics of the treatment.

The Comfortable Path to Perfection

Perhaps the most significant advantage of Tru-Tain DX lies in the comfort it offers during treatment. Orthodontic treatments often come with the perception of discomfort, discouraging some individuals from seeking the smile they desire. Tru-Tain DX changes this narrative by providing an unparalleled level of comfort. Wearers will experience minimal interference with their daily routines, allowing them to go about their lives without disruptions. This comfortable path to perfection makes the journey more enjoyable and rewarding for both patients and practitioners.

The Future is Now

With Tru-Tain DX, orthodontics enters a new era of possibilities. Its extraordinary combination of durability, clarity, flexibility, and stain resistance sets it apart as the ultimate aligner material of choice. Gone are the days of compromising on aesthetics, comfort, and results. Tru-Tain DX paves the way for a future where orthodontic treatment becomes a seamless, hassle-free, and confidence-boosting experience.

Experience Tru-Tain DX Today

For those seeking the future of orthodontic aligner materials, the answer is clear – Tru-Tain DX. Step into a world of clarity, comfort, and confidence as you embark on your journey towards a perfect smile. Embrace the innovation that awaits and experience the unparalleled benefits of Tru-Tain DX, where cutting-edge technology meets orthodontic excellence. The future is here; embrace it today!

The Dangers of Mail Order Orthodontics: Why It’s a Risky Impulse Buy

Impulse buying can sometimes lead to regrettable purchases, especially when it comes to certain unconventional items like mail-order orthodontics, hot air balloon kits, or do-it-yourself in-ground pools. In a captivating game show called “Impulse Buy,” a contestant faced the challenge of selecting the worst impulse buy among these options. Surprisingly, the contestant made the right choice by highlighting the risks associated with mail-order orthodontics and emphasizing the importance of seeking treatment from an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) orthodontist. This video sheds light on the dangers of mail-order orthodontics and underscores the significance of consulting a trained professional for orthodontic treatment.

The Temptation of Mail-Order Orthodontics

At first glance, mail-order orthodontic treatment may seem like a dream come true. The allure of convenience, affordability, and the absence of in-person visits to orthodontists or dentists makes it appear almost too good to be true. Advertisements and social media posts often play up these appealing aspects. However, the reality is far more complex and raises concerns about the safety and effectiveness of such treatments.

The Complex Nature of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is not merely a cosmetic endeavor. Moving teeth is a medical procedure that relies on intricate biological processes. Proper monitoring by a trained dental professional is crucial for ensuring the success and safety of the treatment. A few key points highlight the importance of professional supervision in orthodontics:

  1. Biological Processes: Teeth are moved through the application of pressure from orthodontic appliances such as clear aligners or braces. This pressure causes necrosis, or death, of the supporting structures around the teeth. It allows the teeth to move within their bone sockets, with bone subsequently reforming around the teeth. This delicate process requires professional oversight to avoid complications.
  2. Consequences of Front Teeth Alignment: Many mail-order orthodontic companies promote the idea of straightening only the front teeth as a purely cosmetic procedure. However, this approach can have severe consequences on oral function and overall health. Studies have shown that moving only the front teeth can lead to unintended complications such as open bite, where the back teeth fail to come together properly. Open bite is considered one of the most severe misalignments, and it can impair a patient’s ability to chew food effectively.

The Importance of In-Person Evaluations

Certain essential aspects of orthodontic treatment can only be performed in-person. These evaluations are not mere inconveniences but critical steps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Some examples include:

  1. X-Rays: In-person visits are necessary for taking x-rays, which allow orthodontists to see beneath the gums. Unlike digital scans and photographs used by mail-order companies, x-rays provide a comprehensive view, enabling professionals to assess the health of tooth roots and detect any impacted or unerupted teeth. Without this vital information, moving teeth with underlying issues can lead to loosening or loss of teeth.
  2. Periodontal Health Assessment: Straightening teeth without evaluating the patient’s periodontal (gum) health can have adverse effects, such as gum recession, root shortening, or tooth loss. Assessing gum health requires in-person evaluation, including periodontal probing to measure the depth of root pockets using a dental probe.

The Irreplaceable Role of In-Person Care

Orthodontists and dentists play an irreplaceable role in orthodontic treatment through careful clinical in-person evaluation. Experts emphasize that digital photographs can never substitute for the comprehensive assessment provided by a trained professional. In-person care remains the cornerstone of orthodontic treatment, ensuring patients receive the most effective and safe treatment possible.

Taking Teeth Seriously

While game shows can be entertaining, it is essential never to gamble with your teeth. Impulse buying may lead to regrettable purchases, particularly when it comes to mail-order orthodontics. The risks associated with unsupervised orthodontic treatment outweigh the perceived convenience and affordability. Seeking treatment from an AAO orthodontist guarantees proper monitoring, professional evaluation, and ultimately, the best outcome for your oral health.

Get Ahead of the Game: How Early Orthodontic Care Can Save You Time and Money

Getting ahead of orthodontic health is just like managing laundry, it’s much easier when you stay on top of it. Just as you wouldn’t skip a check-up at the pediatrician, you shouldn’t skip an early visit to the orthodontist either. A visit to the orthodontist before the age of 7 can help maintain your child’s oral health and potentially prevent more invasive or costly treatments later in life.

By visiting an orthodontist early, your child may be a good candidate for a palatal expander, which can make the upper jaw wider and reduce crowding in abnormally narrow arches. Ideally, this procedure is performed while the patient is still growing, as the expansion occurs when the growth plate or suture in the middle of the palate is stretched, and the two halves are pushed apart. Early palatal expansion may also reduce the need for extractions or prevent impacted teeth, which if left untreated may require surgery in adulthood and cause abnormal wear or bite problems.

Sometimes, a short time in braces can correct problems early on to prevent more significant issues later. This is known as early interceptive treatment, which can be used to correct anterior crossbites, for example. In some cases, removing baby or impacted teeth can encourage permanent teeth to emerge better and closer to their ideal position, even without orthodontic appliances. Your orthodontist will suggest the best time for extractions to take advantage of your child’s growth and development.

It’s important to note that not all early visits result in orthodontic treatment. Your child’s first appointment with the orthodontist could result in one of three things: no need for treatment at that time, future treatment that requires periodic monitoring, or an existing problem that would benefit from early treatment. Most orthodontists offer free consultations, so it’s essential to take advantage of this and make an appointment early on.

To achieve a healthy, beautiful smile at any age, it’s essential to trust an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) orthodontist. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, which is the proper alignment of teeth and jaws. They possess the necessary skills and experience to give you your best smile. You can find an orthodontist near you by visiting aaoinfo.org/locator.

The First Clear Retainer

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way in the past few decades, with innovations and advancements in technology and materials allowing for more comfortable and efficient orthodontic appliances. One of these advancements was the invention of the clear orthodontic retainer, which has become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. The first clear orthodontic retainer was patented by Dr. Lloyd Truax in the 1970s, and it revolutionized the field of orthodontics.

Before the invention of the clear orthodontic retainer, patients had to wear metal braces for several years to achieve straight teeth. While metal braces were effective, they had several downsides, including discomfort, difficulty eating certain foods, and difficulty keeping teeth clean. In addition, metal braces were highly visible, which could be embarrassing for some patients.

Dr. Truax recognized these issues and set out to create an alternative to traditional braces that was more comfortable, less visible, and easier to maintain. He developed the first clear orthodontic retainer, which was made of a clear plastic material that was custom-molded to fit each patient’s teeth. The retainer was designed to be worn over the teeth, similar to a mouthguard, and it applied gentle pressure to shift the teeth into the desired position.

Dr. Truax’s invention was a game-changer for orthodontic patients, as it offered several benefits over traditional braces. Firstly, the clear plastic material was much more comfortable to wear than metal brackets and wires. Secondly, the retainer was virtually invisible, making it a great option for patients who didn’t want to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment. Thirdly, the retainer could be removed for eating, making it much easier to maintain good oral hygiene.

Dr. Truax’s clear orthodontic retainer was patented in the 1970s, and it quickly gained popularity among orthodontic patients. Since then, there have been many advancements in clear orthodontic retainers, with new materials and designs making them even more comfortable, effective, and convenient for patients. Today, clear orthodontic retainers are a popular alternative to traditional braces, and they have helped millions of people achieve beautiful, straight smiles.

In conclusion, Dr. Lloyd Truax’s invention of the clear orthodontic retainer in the 1970s was a significant advancement in the field of orthodontics. His invention offered patients a more comfortable, convenient, and discreet option for straightening their teeth, and it paved the way for many other innovations in clear orthodontic appliances. Thanks to Dr. Truax’s invention, orthodontic treatment has become more accessible and more comfortable for patients, and it continues to evolve and improve to this day.

Tru-Tain Incorporated