The Dangers of Mail Order Orthodontics: Why It’s a Risky Impulse Buy

Impulse buying can sometimes lead to regrettable purchases, especially when it comes to certain unconventional items like mail-order orthodontics, hot air balloon kits, or do-it-yourself in-ground pools. In a captivating game show called “Impulse Buy,” a contestant faced the challenge of selecting the worst impulse buy among these options. Surprisingly, the contestant made the right choice by highlighting the risks associated with mail-order orthodontics and emphasizing the importance of seeking treatment from an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) orthodontist. This video sheds light on the dangers of mail-order orthodontics and underscores the significance of consulting a trained professional for orthodontic treatment.

The Temptation of Mail-Order Orthodontics

At first glance, mail-order orthodontic treatment may seem like a dream come true. The allure of convenience, affordability, and the absence of in-person visits to orthodontists or dentists makes it appear almost too good to be true. Advertisements and social media posts often play up these appealing aspects. However, the reality is far more complex and raises concerns about the safety and effectiveness of such treatments.

The Complex Nature of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is not merely a cosmetic endeavor. Moving teeth is a medical procedure that relies on intricate biological processes. Proper monitoring by a trained dental professional is crucial for ensuring the success and safety of the treatment. A few key points highlight the importance of professional supervision in orthodontics:

  1. Biological Processes: Teeth are moved through the application of pressure from orthodontic appliances such as clear aligners or braces. This pressure causes necrosis, or death, of the supporting structures around the teeth. It allows the teeth to move within their bone sockets, with bone subsequently reforming around the teeth. This delicate process requires professional oversight to avoid complications.
  2. Consequences of Front Teeth Alignment: Many mail-order orthodontic companies promote the idea of straightening only the front teeth as a purely cosmetic procedure. However, this approach can have severe consequences on oral function and overall health. Studies have shown that moving only the front teeth can lead to unintended complications such as open bite, where the back teeth fail to come together properly. Open bite is considered one of the most severe misalignments, and it can impair a patient’s ability to chew food effectively.

The Importance of In-Person Evaluations

Certain essential aspects of orthodontic treatment can only be performed in-person. These evaluations are not mere inconveniences but critical steps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Some examples include:

  1. X-Rays: In-person visits are necessary for taking x-rays, which allow orthodontists to see beneath the gums. Unlike digital scans and photographs used by mail-order companies, x-rays provide a comprehensive view, enabling professionals to assess the health of tooth roots and detect any impacted or unerupted teeth. Without this vital information, moving teeth with underlying issues can lead to loosening or loss of teeth.
  2. Periodontal Health Assessment: Straightening teeth without evaluating the patient’s periodontal (gum) health can have adverse effects, such as gum recession, root shortening, or tooth loss. Assessing gum health requires in-person evaluation, including periodontal probing to measure the depth of root pockets using a dental probe.

The Irreplaceable Role of In-Person Care

Orthodontists and dentists play an irreplaceable role in orthodontic treatment through careful clinical in-person evaluation. Experts emphasize that digital photographs can never substitute for the comprehensive assessment provided by a trained professional. In-person care remains the cornerstone of orthodontic treatment, ensuring patients receive the most effective and safe treatment possible.

Taking Teeth Seriously

While game shows can be entertaining, it is essential never to gamble with your teeth. Impulse buying may lead to regrettable purchases, particularly when it comes to mail-order orthodontics. The risks associated with unsupervised orthodontic treatment outweigh the perceived convenience and affordability. Seeking treatment from an AAO orthodontist guarantees proper monitoring, professional evaluation, and ultimately, the best outcome for your oral health.

Get Ahead of the Game: How Early Orthodontic Care Can Save You Time and Money

Getting ahead of orthodontic health is just like managing laundry, it’s much easier when you stay on top of it. Just as you wouldn’t skip a check-up at the pediatrician, you shouldn’t skip an early visit to the orthodontist either. A visit to the orthodontist before the age of 7 can help maintain your child’s oral health and potentially prevent more invasive or costly treatments later in life.

By visiting an orthodontist early, your child may be a good candidate for a palatal expander, which can make the upper jaw wider and reduce crowding in abnormally narrow arches. Ideally, this procedure is performed while the patient is still growing, as the expansion occurs when the growth plate or suture in the middle of the palate is stretched, and the two halves are pushed apart. Early palatal expansion may also reduce the need for extractions or prevent impacted teeth, which if left untreated may require surgery in adulthood and cause abnormal wear or bite problems.

Sometimes, a short time in braces can correct problems early on to prevent more significant issues later. This is known as early interceptive treatment, which can be used to correct anterior crossbites, for example. In some cases, removing baby or impacted teeth can encourage permanent teeth to emerge better and closer to their ideal position, even without orthodontic appliances. Your orthodontist will suggest the best time for extractions to take advantage of your child’s growth and development.

It’s important to note that not all early visits result in orthodontic treatment. Your child’s first appointment with the orthodontist could result in one of three things: no need for treatment at that time, future treatment that requires periodic monitoring, or an existing problem that would benefit from early treatment. Most orthodontists offer free consultations, so it’s essential to take advantage of this and make an appointment early on.

To achieve a healthy, beautiful smile at any age, it’s essential to trust an American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) orthodontist. Orthodontists are experts in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, which is the proper alignment of teeth and jaws. They possess the necessary skills and experience to give you your best smile. You can find an orthodontist near you by visiting

The First Clear Retainer

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way in the past few decades, with innovations and advancements in technology and materials allowing for more comfortable and efficient orthodontic appliances. One of these advancements was the invention of the clear orthodontic retainer, which has become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. The first clear orthodontic retainer was patented by Dr. Lloyd Truax in the 1970s, and it revolutionized the field of orthodontics.

Before the invention of the clear orthodontic retainer, patients had to wear metal braces for several years to achieve straight teeth. While metal braces were effective, they had several downsides, including discomfort, difficulty eating certain foods, and difficulty keeping teeth clean. In addition, metal braces were highly visible, which could be embarrassing for some patients.

Dr. Truax recognized these issues and set out to create an alternative to traditional braces that was more comfortable, less visible, and easier to maintain. He developed the first clear orthodontic retainer, which was made of a clear plastic material that was custom-molded to fit each patient’s teeth. The retainer was designed to be worn over the teeth, similar to a mouthguard, and it applied gentle pressure to shift the teeth into the desired position.

Dr. Truax’s invention was a game-changer for orthodontic patients, as it offered several benefits over traditional braces. Firstly, the clear plastic material was much more comfortable to wear than metal brackets and wires. Secondly, the retainer was virtually invisible, making it a great option for patients who didn’t want to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment. Thirdly, the retainer could be removed for eating, making it much easier to maintain good oral hygiene.

Dr. Truax’s clear orthodontic retainer was patented in the 1970s, and it quickly gained popularity among orthodontic patients. Since then, there have been many advancements in clear orthodontic retainers, with new materials and designs making them even more comfortable, effective, and convenient for patients. Today, clear orthodontic retainers are a popular alternative to traditional braces, and they have helped millions of people achieve beautiful, straight smiles.

In conclusion, Dr. Lloyd Truax’s invention of the clear orthodontic retainer in the 1970s was a significant advancement in the field of orthodontics. His invention offered patients a more comfortable, convenient, and discreet option for straightening their teeth, and it paved the way for many other innovations in clear orthodontic appliances. Thanks to Dr. Truax’s invention, orthodontic treatment has become more accessible and more comfortable for patients, and it continues to evolve and improve to this day.

Tru-Tain DX Aligner Material

Orthodontic treatments have come a long way over the years, with advancements in technology and materials allowing for more precise and effective treatment options. One such material that has gained popularity in recent years is Tru-Tain DX aligner material. In this blog post, we will explore what Tru-Tain DX aligner material is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is Tru-Tain DX Aligner Material?

Tru-Tain DX aligner material is a thermoplastic material used in the fabrication of clear aligners. This material is a patented blend of Poly Cyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate glycol, which offers several benefits over traditional aligner materials.

The material is clear and durable, making it ideal for creating invisible aligners that are comfortable to wear. It also has a high degree of elasticity, which allows it to flex and adapt to the shape of the teeth, providing a snug and secure fit.

How Does Tru-Tain DX Aligner Material Work?

Tru-Tain DX aligner material works by applying gentle and consistent pressure on the teeth, which gradually shifts them into the desired position. This pressure is applied through the use of custom-made aligners, which are created using advanced 3D scanning and printing technologies.

The aligners are designed to fit snugly over the teeth, applying a controlled force that gently moves the teeth into the desired position. As the teeth move, the aligners are replaced with new ones, each one slightly adjusted to continue the progression of the treatment.

What are the Benefits of Tru-Tain DX Aligner Material?

Tru-Tain DX aligner material offers several benefits over traditional aligner materials, including:

  1. Comfort: Tru-Tain DX aligner material is soft and pliable, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. The material conforms to the shape of the teeth, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort.
  2. Durability: Tru-Tain DX aligner material is highly durable, making it resistant to cracking, tearing, and breaking. This means that the aligners can withstand the daily wear and tear of everyday use, ensuring that they last throughout the treatment period.
  3. Clarity: Tru-Tain DX aligner material is virtually invisible, making it an ideal choice for patients who are self-conscious about wearing braces. The material does not stain or yellow over time, ensuring that the aligners remain clear throughout the treatment period.
  4. Precision: Tru-Tain DX aligner material is highly precise, ensuring that the aligners fit snugly and apply a consistent force on the teeth. This precision results in faster and more predictable treatment outcomes.
  5. Efficiency: Tru-Tain DX aligner material allows for more efficient treatment times, as the material is designed to move the teeth more quickly and effectively than traditional aligner materials. This means that patients can achieve their desired results in a shorter period, reducing the overall treatment time.


Tru-Tain DX aligner material is an advanced orthodontic material that offers several benefits over traditional aligner materials. The material is comfortable, durable, clear, precise, and efficient, making it an ideal choice for patients seeking a discreet and effective orthodontic treatment option.

If you are considering orthodontic treatment and would like to learn more about Tru-Tain DX aligner material, speak to your orthodontist or dentist to see if this material is right for you.

Orthodontic Retainers

Orthodontic retainers are a common dental appliance that is used to keep your teeth in place after completing orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic retainers are a common dental appliance that is used to keep your teeth in place after completing orthodontic treatment. While braces or aligners straighten your teeth, retainers help maintain that alignment and prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Types of Retainers:

There are two primary types of retainers: removable and fixed.

Removable retainers are made of a clear plastic or acrylic material that fits over your teeth. They are easy to clean and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. Removable retainers are typically worn full-time for the first few months after orthodontic treatment and then gradually phased out to only wearing at night or a few times per week. There are also clear removable retainers that look like an Invisalign aligner, and can be worn throughout the day, only removing it for meals and cleaning.

Fixed retainers, on the other hand, are cemented to the back of your teeth and cannot be removed. They are typically made of a thin wire that is bonded to the lingual (tongue-side) surface of your teeth. Fixed retainers are usually used for the lower front teeth and are considered the more long-term option since they require less patient compliance and more durable than a removable retainer.

Benefits of Retainers:

The main benefit of retainers is that they help maintain the alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. Teeth have a natural tendency to shift back to their original positions, so retainers are essential for keeping the results of your orthodontic treatment in place. Retainers also help improve your bite and reduce the risk of dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

Another advantage of retainers is that they are relatively easy to care for. Removable retainers should be cleaned regularly with a toothbrush and mild soap, while fixed retainers only require normal brushing and flossing.


Orthodontic retainers are an important dental appliance that help maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment. They come in two primary types, removable and fixed, and are relatively easy to care for. If you are finishing up your orthodontic treatment, your dentist or orthodontist will likely recommend a retainer to ensure your teeth remain straight and healthy. With proper care and regular checkups with your dental professional, retainers can help ensure a lifetime of happy, healthy smiles.

Orthodontic aligner systems and the best materials to fabricate them

Understandably, dentists and orthodontists are always on the lookout for the best materials to fabricate orthodontic aligners. There are so many options out there, but ideally, you want a material that is strong enough to withstand the forces of tooth movement and be comfortable for your patients at the same time.

Here’s why Tru-Tain’s DX aligner material works better than other types of materials. They’re made from a flexible, resilient material that allows teeth to move more quickly through space. Plus, they are strong enough to hold up against the pressure after braces.

The result? Faster tooth movement with reduced discomfort for your patient.

The soaring popularity of orthodontic aligners

Orthodontic aligners have become increasingly popular over the last 10 years. And this has led to the development of a number of different types of materials used in their fabrication. However, it can be difficult to determine which aligner materials are right for your patients.

With so many different options out there, we thought we’d break down exactly why our DX aligner material is an ideal solution for your patients.

The advantages of using DX aligner material

The DX aligner material has been developed based on an extensive examination of the dental materials market to provide clinicians with a product that offers high-quality properties, faster treatment times for patients, and is comfortable.

3 advantages of Tru-Tain DX Aligner/Retainer Material

Our unique, patented technology incorporates a number of features that stand out among other orthodontic materials. It’s more durable and long-lasting, it’s the only material that “breathes” so oral bacteria has a hard time staying on the surface, and is 20% lighter weight than other leading aligner materials. Three of the advantages of using Tru-Tain’s DX aligner material are:

1.    More durable long lasting

Our material is made from a high wear-resistant polymer called Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol or PETG for short. This means it will be more durable and last longer than aligners fabricated from ACP (amorphous calcium phosphate) or ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), such as those sold by Ormco and 3M Unitek.

The durability makes our material better suited to handle the forces exerted during tooth movement. All of this means patients get a faster treatment times and increased patient comfort.

2.    Highly resistant to bacterial penetration

Other orthodontic materials tend to contain larger pores which can trap food and bacteria and make them difficult to clean. This can lead to bad breath and other hygiene problems. It can also lead to increased tooth decay.

Our DX material is highly resistant to bacterial penetration, which helps prevent such issues arising for your patients – meaning they will be happier and healthier!

3.    Fewer bracket fractures and reduced likelihood of treatment failure

The bond strength of our material is higher than those made from PEEK (Polyether ether ketone), UHMWPE or ACP meaning fewer bracket fractures and a reduced likelihood of treatment failure.

All of this is to say that the major benefit of using DX aligner material is it can provide a better smile in less time than traditional orthodontics.

DX Aligner Material from Tru-Tain

Our DX aligner material is also used for retainers and is a great solution. If you are interested in learning more about how to order or purchase this material, please get in touch today!

Our team will be happy to answer any questions that come up as well as guide you through what it takes to make your teeth straight with our patented technology.

But don’t take our word for it, call today for your free samples to formulate your own opinion!


Meta-title: Orthodontic aligner systems and the best materials to fabricate them

Meta-description: If you arelooking for the best, most efficient orthodontic aligner materials, Tru-Tain offers DX aligner material for dentist and orthodontic labs.

Tru-Tain Incorporated