Tru-Tain Retainer Background

dental forming materials

The Tru-Tain Retainer was developed over a 3-year period (1972-1975) by Dr. Lloyd Truax of Rochester, MN.  During this time, over 1500 retainers were placed.  Various types of materials, thicknesses, shapes and amounts of coverage were used to develop a retainer with the following qualities:  NEARLY INVISIBLE, DURABLE STABLE RETENTION, AND HAS FDA APPROVED MATERIAL.  The Tru-Tain Retainer is comfortable, more aesthetic, faster to fabricate, less expensive and retains better than any other retainer.

Very little pressure is needed to either move or retain the positions of teeth.  The Tru-Tain Retainer is very thin, yet strong enough to maintain adequate pressure, while not encroaching on the FREEWAY SPACE with detrimental effects.

Minor tooth movements of teeth may be made by altering positions of teeth on the model before vacuum forming the retainer.  This thin plastic is flexible, which is necessary to produce minor tooth movements.  THE DESIGN OF THIS RETAINER HAS BEEN USED FOR OVER 40 YEARS WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS.

Tru-Tain Retainer Construction Step by Step

  1.  Pour the impression with stone and without a base (both maxillary and mandible), a U-shaped model so the plastic can be properly vacuumed easily over the model
  2. The heater is turned on to heat (it takes about 2 to 3 minutes) while the bottom of gingival portion of the model is leveled on the cast trimmer.  CAUTION-the heating element will not heat properly if it is cooled by air from an air conditioning duct or an open window.
  3. Place the plastic in the heater frame and raise up toward the heating element.  Heat material until a ½ inch sag in the material is present.  Overheating until the plastic sags more than 1 inch will result in a retainer that is too thin and may have folds or creases in the model.  The heating time on a vacuum machine is around 45-65 seconds (time and amount of heat will vary with different machines).  More important than time is to watch for the sag of the material.  On Bio-Star type machine, code 103.  The proper amount of heat—the plastic is pliable to the touch and minute bubbles will just start to form in the plastic.  It is very important to heat properly or the plastic will not form correctly over the model.
  4. The vacuum motor must be turned on first, then bring the frame with the plastic down over the model (leave vacuum on until the plastic is closely adapted to the model).  Allow about 5 seconds.
  5. Trim the excess plastic from around the edges of the model with a large scissors.
  6. Use a scalpel to trim the plastic from 1 ½” to 2 mm apically to the gingival crest all around the labial, buccal and lingual of the model.
  7. Use Howe pliers to pull the excess trimmed plastic from the model.
  8. Remove the retainer from the model and trim it more with a crown & bridge scissors.  It is not necessary to buff the edge of this material.  In fact, buffing will make it ragged.  It can be smoothed with a diamond stone.
  9. Retainer is finished and ready to place.
  10. Variation: To allow setting of maxillary posterior teeth, the model is poured including the palate (keep the model short vertically so the plastic will vacuum properly over the model).  Only 6 anterior teeth and the palate are included in the retainer.  The plastic is trimmed 1 to 2 mm away from the lingual of the posterior teeth.
  11. The models are given to the patient and are brought back on retention visits.  If or when new retainers are made, it will only take about 5 minutes.
  12. Retainers can be made and placed within less than an hour after the impressions are taken.  This eliminates the need for a future appointment.  These splint retainers are placed by the patients at night only—the retainers are very thin in the posterior areas and will not encroach on the freeway space.  When minor tooth movement is desired or to hold space closed, only then is retainer placed during the day and removed only while eating, for approximately 3 to 8 weeks.  Retainers are MORE COMFORTABLE TO THE PATIENT, MORE ESTHETIC, FASTER TO MAKE, LESS EXPENSIVE, AND RETAIN BETTER THAN ANY RETAINERS ON THE MARKET.  The plastic is clear, thin, resilient and very tough.
  13. If you have any problems or questions regarding the TRU-TAIN RETAINER material, please call or email and we will be happy to assist.


GROWING CHILD:  After the bands have been removed, retainers are placed full time for 3 days and 3 nights removing only to eat and brush.  If a diastema has been closed or teeth have been re-positioned, then retainers must be placed full time for 2 months.  After 3 days, these retainers are placed nights only until third molars have erupted or are removed.  During the next year, they are placed every other night for 4 months:  twice a week for 4 months, once a week for 4 months.  Retainers are discontinued unless indefinite retention is indicated.

ADULT:  Adult patients place their retainers night and day for the first 3 days.  Then every night for 12 months; then the same as for a growing child.

REPOSITIONING TEETH:  Place retainers night and day for 2 months removing only to eat and brush.  Then nights only for 6 months.  Then only as per above instructions.


  • Clean retainers daily with toothpaste or soap.  Occasionally retainers may need to be placed in a denture or ultra sonic cleaner.  Never place in or around hot water; this will cause distorting.
  • TRU-TAIN RETAINERS usually last 1 to 2 years and some have not needed to be replaced for an even longer period of time.  Longevity of use will depend on patient wear etc.
  • Holes appearing on the incisal or occlusal (usually the cuspid area) do not effect retention.  If a split along the sides of occlusal occurs, a new retainer is necessary.

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